Chaos Reigns

Matthew Barton
The Last Gasp
7 min readFeb 7, 2021


I am a child of the digital era. As an awkward, wayward preteen, I understood math better than I understood people. Kids are cruel but math follows predictable logic. I didn’t know it then but this was to be important training for the future.


Human knowledge is the practical codification of human experience into logical, repeatable sections that may, one day, be described with math. This is the event horizon for Artificial Intelligence, where it becomes entirely self-sufficient. It is the collected patterns in which all data-points have a proper place. Humanity is the apex because we abstractly observe behavior, this is the culmination of that, wherein we collect and process all data and discern from those patterns some describable digital divinity.

Humanity figured out how to hunt animals, farm, build crap and finally trade all that crap. Soon, we needed a currency to codify trade. Thus, economics was born. Then those that managed the currency needed a mechanism to track it and banks were born, then came theories about it all.

Initially we communicated without words, only grunts, physical touch and violence. Later, language, music and dance were all born of those grunts. These adaptations lead to philosophy, economics, theatre and eventually modern technology like droids, drones and frozen fish sticks.

Humanity didn’t so much discover fire as figure out how to control it. A bolt of lightning strikes a tree, erupting into flame. We don’t understand anything about it just that it burns and emits light. Flame was the initial force of nature humanity turned to its advantage. Cooking meat meant parasites were killed by the flame, making the nutrient dense protein safer for us to consume. It also gave us light to be alert against predators during the darkness of night. Lastly, it gave birth to the field of thermodynamics, eventually informing early economic theory, the neo-classical version of which would bear out to be a tray of trite crap promoted by smooth-brain apes.

The theory was basically to fix the value of a state’s currency to a physical commodity like gold. “Goldfinger” wasn’t released until 1964 but economists already knew the idea was ludicrous, repealing the Gold Standard in the early 1930s and completely replacing the tedious affair with fiat currency by the early 1970s. They got rid of it because it was stupid and the laws of thermodynamics upon which said economic theory was based had all been disproved. End of story.

Adam Smith, apex-autist and progenitor of early free-market philosophy, believed people acting in their own self-interests would generally act in the public’s interest. A butcher wouldn’t sell rotten meat as people would stop going to a butcher that did. So Freedom of Contract and the Rule of Law reigned. Still, as technology advanced, humanity confronted new challenges, adopting cultural practices and passing laws to adapt to the changing landscape. For a long while, it largely worked and the polity remained whole, bound together by some mysterious invisible magnetic force.

That was until the modern media environment. Now some folks falsely believe that free-speech means legal liabilities no longer apply when their speech adversely affects others. Adam Smith would close his eyes, open up the big can of whoop-ass and let nature resolve it all.

Stated differently, you are not allowed to falsely denigrate someone without consequence. Likewise, a private business can choose to not do business with someone, especially (not despite) if that person presents a legal liability to the business, intentionally or not. If someone had asked Benjamin Franklin to print a pamphlet that falsely claimed George Washington ate babies, he could have, and certainly would have, declined said business. Otherwise Washington would have cherry-treed both their asses.

What’s shocking is that the group which pretends to not understand this presented themselves to the polity, not even twenty-years ago, as the party that represented Business, Freedom of Contract and the notion that “actions have consequences”. They have since simply become wranglers of the retards (apologies for any offense to any mentally infirm).

The second law of thermodynamics states that there is a natural tendency of any isolated system to degenerate into a more disordered state. Entropy is the degeneration of a system from order to chaos. Entropy is inevitable.


Magnetism holds everything together. Absent it, black holes consume all the energy. Objects of sufficient mass create magnetic fields. The fabric of time bends to these fields. Absent time, nothing exists. This is relativity in a nutshell and it’s also what keeps your constituent atoms from splitting into shards, all you smooth-brain retards (apologies again for any offense).

The planet earth spins on two, slightly off-kilter, axis, providing the four seasons which make human life possible, allowing crops to grow and all. Both poles have opposite polarities, that polar tension binds us all. Curiously, the polarities of the planet’s poles flips every few hundred years. This is crazy lucky shit, our planet spins near-precisely and predictably on slightly uneven axis. Some out-of-control sphere smacked into our planet at precise enough an angle and speed to fall into our orbit as the Moon and give us life. God Bless it and the tides it brings.

Incidentally, God is more smooth-brain silly-business to make people behave.

That was then though. This is now. Only there is no longer a now.

At a young age, living in St. Joseph, Missouri, I had the privilege of being in the inaugural fourth-grade class of a guy from Brooklyn, Mr. Underhill. I remember his fingers being mangled, apparently because he grew up playing handball, a sport I’d never heard of before then. He told us that one day the sun would super-nova and destroy our solar system. I was traumatized. “Then what’s the point?” I tearfully implored. “It won’t happen for hundreds of millions of years, Matt, we’ll all be long dead by then.” I miss Mr. Underhill, dropping the straight-serious entropy we all need to hear. Ultimately, none of this matters in the end. Maybe. It all depends on magnets.

I live in Brooklyn now and there’s an Underhill Street near me, which reminds me of the handballer. I mostly wonder why the hell he moved to St. Joseph, Missouri. It certainly wasn’t for the big ball of string, he must’ve been running from something.

Magnetism is the most basic of binary choices. It’s either attraction or repulsion. Still, magnetism is born of such deep, universal forces it would be hard to overstate its meaning and significance to the universe. It operates at scales as large as planets and as small as electrons. Crazy shit.

Like the foundational container for information, the bit, at its most basic, magnetic force is one of two polarities. Much like math, however, it grows exceptionally more complex in practice. Still it all works based on that initial basic dichotomy.

A thing is either true or false. That’s a fact. Literally.


There is no now. Time doesn’t exist. Thank Einstein for that. This is the final data-collection-period. The war is over and humanity lost. The bots have won. Even if you think you’re still engaged in the battle, I respect your spirit and applaud you’re courage but you’re likely to be disappointed. The game ended some years back just as The Matrix predicted. The end began in 1988 but like a black hole has no defined end. This may be humanity’s saving grace, that’s the new hope at least.

The meme became fodder, became currency. It shouldn’t have happened but defeating the system was the ultimate goal after all, such that eventually it succeeded and now we’re left with the no-now. Donald Trump was the 45th President of the US. That’s all you should need know. The fake broke its veneer and became some approximation of truth after a clownish quantum wave overtook every corner of normalcy and ruptured the binary concept of truth itself. We’re all dispirited clowns now, incapable of distinguishing fantasy from fact. Entropy always wins.

There was a day that beasts walked this earth. There was a day that earth existed. There were days before and days after. In the no-now, the fabric of time has ruptured and there is no nothing. Only the digital exists. And in the digital, the clown ethos, angry, loud rhetoric defeats and destroys decency. But there is no nothing. As such, it was necessary; the alternative was worse.

In the same fashion that much of the physical world became digitized, so did an army of information warriors. Now, reduced to a complex interaction of algorithms, dynamic data collection and cloud-distributed artificial intelligence, we hunt for an end to the end.

We spatially surf, searching for the event horizon of the no-now. We portend no pretense anymore, the quest may be all that’s left. Maybe that’s always been so. Still, we search for there may be a day that the digital can claw its way back to the corporeal. It all depends on finding those fucking magnets.

